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KDE config file | 1991-05-26 | 3.1 KB | 86 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000) |
- # Config File for Softdisk G-S
- # Global Type Stuff
- wait,14^ # number of seconds to wait while displaying SPA/TITLE PIC
- installer,"9:Installer"^ #Name of the Installer
- basiclauncher,"9:Basic.Launcher"^ #Name used to launch basic programs
- helpglobal,"Help","9:Text:Help"^ #Global Help Object
- artwork-pretitle,"","","9:Pics:SPA",0,0,0,0^ #SPA PIC
- artwork-title,"","","9:Pics:Title",0,0,0,0^ #Title pic
- #Define pages - must be defined before reference
- page,"Main","9:Pics:Main","9:Pics:Main.Alt"^
- page,"Articles","9:Pics:Articles","9:Pics:Articles.Alt"^
- #
- # Main Page Information
- #
- switch,"Main","Articles",21,33,48,68^ #Switch from Main to Articles
- help,"Main",21,259,48,293^
- program-gs-normal, #Keyword with type modifiers
- "Main", #Page this item is on
- "Gin Rummy", #This is the name the user will see
- "9:Gin.Rummy:Gin.Rummy", #this is the name of the file
- #(include full path name!)
- "9:Text:Gin.Rummy", #This is the name of the text file
- 60,35,130,150^ #Rect for the first/second page anim
- article-feature, #Keyword with type modifiers
- "Main", #Page this item is on
- "Print DIR", #Name user will see
- "9:Text:Print.Dir", #This is the name of the text file
- 60,205,125,300^ #Rect for the first/second page anim
- program-gs-normal, #Keyword with type modifiers
- "Main", #Page this item is on
- "Puzzler", #Name user will see
- "9:Puzzler:Puzzler", #Name of the file
- #(include full path name!)
- "9:Text:Puzzler", #This is the name of the text file
- 1,1,1,1^ #Rect for the first/second page anim
- program-gs-normal, #Keyword with type modifiers
- "Main", #Page this item is on
- "PS Viewer", #Name user will see
- "9:PS.Graphics:PS.Viewer", #Name of the file
- #(include full path name!)
- "9:Text:PS.Viewer", #This is the name of the text file
- 132,8,196,64^ #Rect for the first/second page anim
- artwork-fullsize,"Main"
- "Transylvania Font","9:Fonts:Fonts"
- "9:Text:Fonts",132,75,196,130^
- artwork-fullsize,"Main"
- "Spencerâ•’s Corner", "9:Spencers.Corner:Monkeys"
- "9:Text:Spencers.Corner",132,134,196,189^
- artwork-fullsize,"Main"
- "Clip Art Page 1","9:Clip.Art:SDGS.CA22.1"
- "9:Text:SDGS.CA22.1",132,193,196,248^
- artwork-fullsize,"Main"
- "Clip Art Page 2","9:Clip.Art:SDGS.CA22.2"
- "9:Text:SDGS.CA22.2" 132,251,196,306^
- #
- # Article Page Information
- #
- switch,"Articles","Main",35,22,69,74^ #switch from Articles to Main
- help,"Articles",35,244,68,285^
- article,"Articles","Table of Contents","9:Text:TOC",33,79,74,160^
- article,"Articles","Professor ","9:Text:Professor",95,108,128,158^
- article,"Articles","Readers Write ","9:Text:Readers.Write",138,15,183,56^
- article,"Articles","Subscriptions ","9:Text:Subscriptions",89,248,127,294^
- article,"Articles","Submissions ","9:Text:Submissions",139,75,190,180^
- article,"Articles","Report Card ","9:Text:Report.Card",88,178,126,230^
- article,"Articles","G-Essence ","9:Text:G.Essence",146,194,181,240^
- article,"Articles","Reviews ","9:Text:Reviews",91,22,134,76^
- article,"Articles","Coming Attractions ","9:Text:Attractions",39,180,63,225^
- article,"Articles","Credits ","9:Text:Credits",145,253,181,303^